If you haven't found http://www.sundaycouponpreview.com/ yet, visit the site and sign up for email alerts. It tells you all of the coupons that are supposed to be in the paper each Sunday. HOWEVER, coupon inserts vary by region and we might not get all of these in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Here are the ones I'm interested in:
Smart Source
Cheerios $1/2
Hamburger Helper $.75/3 (Save for Schnucks 10 for $10 sales!)
Huggies baby wipes ($.50/1)
and diaper coupons ($1.50/1 and $3/1 60ct.+)
Kleenex $.50/3 (Save for Walgreens sales!)
Nature Valley $.75/2
Wilkinson Sword razors $2/1 (depending on the coupon restrictions, these could be a money maker! They are usually $1 in the travel section at Walmart. Stock up and donate!)
Tide $2/1
Sani-Hands $.50/1
Remember, to get the most out of your coupons and to spend the least amount of money, always purchase the smallest size item, and it's best if it's also on sale.
Also, if the coupon is $.50 or less, think about saving it for Schnucks. Schnucks in Washington doubles up to 15 coupons per transaction up to $.50. That way your $.50 coupons are now worth $1!
There is no Red Plum insert this week. Remember you can also print from http://www.redplum.com/ and http://www.smartsource.com/. Most of these coupons are compiled on http://www.couponmom.com/, but I have found that they are sometimes different, so check out all three sites!
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