Monday, August 1, 2011

Schnucks 8/1-8/6

Great 10 for $10 sale this week!  Remember you don't have to buy 10.  Also, there are some good Catalina offers (the money-back offers printed at checkout) for items I buy often AND have coupons for!  Check out my previous post about where to find coupons for items marked (PP).  Here's what I'm interested in this week:

Bugles (6-8.5 oz.) $1 - $1/2 Q (7/10 SS) = .50 each
Yoplait Greek Yogurt $1 - $.50/2 doubled (6/26 SS, 7/31 SS, PP) = $.50 each
Knorr rice or pasta sides $1 - $.75/3 or $1.35/5 or $1.85/7 PP
      Best deal: 5 for $5 - $1.35Q = .73 ea.
Kleenex $1 - $.40/3 Q (7/17 SS, doubled) = .73 ea.
Bounty napkins $1 - .25Q (7/31 P&G, doubled) = .50 ea.
Band-aid $1 - .50Q (7/31 SS, doubled) = FREE

Pampers 9.99 - various Q (7/31 P&G, $1.50/1 Cheerios box)
      Catalina deal: Buy $10-$24.99 get $2, Buy $25 get $5 on Swaddlers or Cruisers only

Fresh Bratwurst $1.99/lb. (3 lb. pkg) = $5.97
Pork Steaks $1.89/lb. (4 lb. pkg) = $7.56
Gorton's frozen fish $4.99 (17.5-24.5 oz.) Q here

Yoplait regular cups $.68 ea. - .50/8 or .40/6 (7/31 SS, PP, doubled)
Catalina deal: Buy 20, get $2
       WYB 6 x 3 + 2 (use 3 Q) = .56 ea.
       WYB 8 x 3 (use 3 Q) = .56 ea.
I have gotten Yoplait yogurt for as low as .33 ea. at Schnucks after coupon.  Wait on this deal.

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