Thursday, October 20, 2011

Target, Country Mart, and more...

 Coupons in the mail!  I received a bunch of coupons from Target in the mail yesterday all of which can be combined with manufacturer's coupons.  PLUS, a coupon for FREE Kraft mac and cheese shapes product.  The Washington store was out of the Halloween shapes, but they still have Phineas & Ferb and Spongebob.  And it's FREE!  Also, there's a Downy coupon in there, it's on sale, and there are tons of coupons in the P&G insert from this month.  I got a 60 load free and clear liquid Downy for $2.50.  :)   Some of the other deals aren't as spectacular, but still a worth looking for in your mail.

Country Mart
Remember, Country Mart doubles coupons up to $.49 on Tuesdays.

Ground beef $1.89/lb.
Pepsi 2-liters $.99 - $.55/Pepsi Max Q (10/2 Moments) = $.44
7-up/Dr. Pepper 12 pks. 4/$10
BC wheat bread $.99
Duncan Hines cake mix $.99
BC canned beans $.69
BC canned tomatoes $.69
Cabbage $.39/lb.
Pears $.99/lb.
Select apples $.79/lb.

Schnucks had some unexpected sales this week.  The Gorton's fish sale includes popcorn shrimp, yum!  Fleischmann's yeast is on sale and with $.40 Q doubled, it's only $.69 for a three-packet strip.

Don't forget about Loaves and Fishes Market across from Schnucks.  It's an Amish/Gluten-free grocery store with a very good selection.  I buy my whole wheat flour there because it is almost always cheaper than at other stores.  I got a 5-lb. bag today for $3.  I also bought 16 oz. wagon wheel pasta for my daughter for $1.87, and 1/2 lb. natural cocoa powder for $2.  I didn't need cornstarch, but they had 1/2 lb. containers on sale for $.81.  It's a good place to buy gifts too, because they have soup mixes, specialty teas and coffee, and all kinds of homemade preserves.  And the prices are very reasonable.  So check it out if you haven't already!

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